(b) Use a body-gripping trap, as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 3003.1, for the purpose of recreation or commerce in fur.

(a) Use a steel-jawed leghold trap, or use any trap with saw-toothed or spiked jaws. It is unlawful to do any of the following: Wildlife injuring crops of property can be "taken" or killed, but only in accordance with current regulations (below).Īdditionally, there must be cause - damage to crops or property before fur-bearers or non-game mammals may be taken, and then, only the animal(s) causing the damage may be taken - non-target animals that are inadvertently trapped must be immediately released on site.
#Define trap street code#
No person shall knowingly feed big game mammals, as defined in Section 350 of these regulationsĤ152: Non-Game birds and mammals injuring crops and property (includes red fox squirrel and jack rabbits) may be taken any time and in any manner in accordance with the regulations.Ĥ180: Furbearing mammals damaging property may be taken in any manner in accordance with this code and regulations. Prohibition Against Feeding Big Game Mammals. This section does not apply to a landowner or tenant who drives or herds birds or mammals for the purpose of preventing damage to private or public property, including aquaculture and agriculture crops. For the purposes of this section, harass is defined as an intentional act which disrupts an animal's normal behavior patterns, which includes, but is not limited to, breeding, feeding or sheltering. Except as otherwise authorized in these regulations or in the Fish and Game Code, no person shall harass, herd or drive any game or nongame bird or mammal or furbearing mammal.

#Define trap street license#
To check on a license or report a possible trapping violation, contact the Department of Fish and Wildlife Trapping License Office 91 or one of the regional offices:įRESNO - 1234 E. Today, we believe this subsection provides neighbors an important right - a say in what happens to shared natural resources - the wildlife. Simply put, no person may set a trap within 150 yards of a residence without written consent from the owner of that residence. We believe this regulation was initially written to help protect domestic animals from being trapped and injured.

Traps may not be set within 150 yards of any structure used as a permanent or temporary residence, unless such traps are set by a person controlling such property or by a person who has and is carrying with him written consent of the landowner to so place the trap or traps. Each time traps are checked all trapped animals shall be removed. All traps shall be visited at least once daily by the owner of the traps or his/her designee. Relocation of trapped wildlife is prohibited. Trapped animals must be euthanized or released immediately on site. This regulation does not prohibit employees of federal, state, or local government from using chemical euthanasia to dispatch trapped animals. Unless released, trapped animals shall be killed by shooting where local ordinances, landowners, and safety permit. All furbearing and nongame mammals that are legal to trap must be immediately killed or released. §465.5 (g)(1). Immediate Dispatch or Release. This would include a property owner who wishes to set a trap for a wild animal in his/her backyard - before doing so, they must receive an identifying number and affix it to the trap. It is illegal to set or maintain traps that do not bear a number or other identifying mark registered with the Department of Fish and Wildlife. This number shall be stamped clearly on the trap or on a metal tag attached to the chain of the trap or to any part of the trap. All traps, before being put into use, shall bear only the current registered trap number or numbers of the person using, or in possession of those traps. Any person who traps furbearing mammals or nongame mammals shall obtain a trap number issued by and registered with the department. We've also included some examples from other states and countries. Below, are some of California's laws and regulations, and local ordinances that pertain to wildlife, with o ur interpretation italicized.